How to clean Artfelt pictures
How to mount Artfelt pictures
Wall hanging felt pictures
Looking after Artfelt pictures
How to look after and mount Artfelt pictures is a question I frequently get asked by people who have made one of my Artfelt picture kits.
Just to recap on how felt is made.
Felt is made by entangling wool fibres, so they matt together.
The way wet felting works is by laying the wool fibres across each other, add warm soapy water, and with a bit of friction and pressure this causes the fibres to bond.
The reason that sheep’s wool can make such a strong bond is if you look at a sheep’s fibre (hair) under a microscope it has a scale system that is uneven and ragged.
When you saturate the fibres with warm soapy water the scales open and with friction and some pressure the fibres lock on to each other forming the felt.
Cleaning your Artfelt picture
I would recommend cleaning the felt picture by using a vacuum cleaner. Before you start, get some help from a friend, and you will need a fine mesh, ideally a sheet of fabric, polyester chiffon or net curtain.
Get your helper to place the fabric over the picture, hold firmly in place and use the vacuum cleaner on its lowest (weakest) setting to gently suck up the dust. Normally this works well, but If any part of the picture is displaced use the felting needle to repair.
How to mount Artfelt pictures
There are a few different ways of displaying felt pictures, I would advise thinking about where the picture is going to be placed. If the picture has been made for a child, and needs some protection from inquisitive little fingers, like the elephant felt picture kit that I designed and sell. I would recommend a box frame, which also works when your felt picture is quite loose and fluffy.
Also my felt chicken picture kit is lovely displayed in a kitchen, and a box frame is ideal.
I would suggest looking around for box frames. At the time of writing there is a very reasonably priced frame in the UK at The Range – it is designed for photos, and you will need to use card at the back.
Use double sided tape to hold the felt picture in place. Not all double-sided tape is of equal strength. I use carpet double sided tape, or tapestry double sided tape. It is very good but harder to find.
Another tip is to get your frame before starting, don’t forget that some shrinking will occur but normally when using one of my kits it is only about 10%.
I personally prefer to use open frames (with no glass), I also mount my pictures on fabric. I like to use commercially made felt as it is nice and strong and makes a good background, I have used linen as well.
If making your frame, use a strong fabric large enough to stretch over the wooden sides. Place your picture on the fabric, tack, then sew carefully. Use a heavy-duty staple gun to attach the fabric with your picture to the wooden frame.
Wall hanging felt pictures
Wall hangings are a great way of displaying felt pictures, this is a little bit easier than mounting on a wooden frame. Mount the picture on a strong fabric as explained above, make some loops at the top big enough to thread a bit of wood dowelling. On that loop, use a string on the doweling so it can be hung on a hook. The hanging may have to be weighted at the bottom, to help it to hang well.
Enjoy displaying your finished Artfelt picture and sharing your amazing work with your friends and family for many years.